It is with great pleasure that we announce, on the 28th of February, the (re)birth of the Table Tennis Section in the ASCE.
The first meeting was a great success, considering we were almost at full capacity.
Thank you Patrick for organizing your “crew” and coming with Ivana and Veronique – a real pleasure to have met you all.Also a thank you to Alexandra and Vahe for joining the group as well.
Although sports are by nature competitive, we would like to emphasize that this is not the primary goal of our ASCE Table Tennis Section. Our motto would be colser to somthing along the lines: “Fun first, competition later” ;)
The section is to receive everyone who is willing to play the sport and enjoy the company, no matter of the level. As time goes on, we will get better aquatinted and everyone will find a fitting partner.
Playing in doubles is especially interesting as the mixing of levels can bring around surprising results.
For those interested in joining, you are free to do so by visiting our presentation and sending us a message. Membership is free as long as you have paid your AMICALE membership and it is up to date.