The first edition of the Green Section's Eco-Newsletter is attached. This is an informal publication which aims to inform CoE staff members on eco/environmental/sustainable events and news which have happened or will happen at work, locally, and globally. It also includes a section on sustainable tips at work and in everyday life.
For future editions (next edition should come out in April), we are looking for contributions: whether on news or events, but also on your own sustainable habits/tips which you do at home or work. Eventually, the goal is to compile a list of many useful practices which other colleagues can make use of.
Please note that this Eco-Newsletter will only be diffused electronically.
Finally, it is an internal (Council of Europe) publication, so please do not share it in its entirety outside of the CoE (although you are of course welcome to share sustainable tips outside of work!).
To subscribe to the mailing list to receive the bi-monthly Eco-Newsletter, send us an email, indicating "Eco-Newsletter" in the title.
EDIT: If you have difficulties in opening links in the PDF, try the following: Edit, Preferences, Trust Manager, Change settings, click "allow PDF files to access all web sites".