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President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurcan DEJEAN-DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Cipriana MORARU, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST,  Szilvia SIMOND.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Culture Arts Club


Calendar Exhibition from 27/11/2023 to 21/12/2023, at the gallery in the Palais de l'Europe, space B

Private view the 28/11/2023 17h, at the gallery in the Palais de l'Europe, space B

Link to the artist's website : Website

EVERYTHING FLOWS – a symbol of movement. Heidrun Pfeiffer deals with comings and goings. Painterly and sculpturally she works with the motifs of water and fern. In the work, the symbolism of the motifs merges with the deeply personal feelings of the artist. To bring the observations of flickering, flowing and streaming water to a standstill, to conserve a certain moment in painting, to freeze the water, the light and the reflections on the canvas, but to continue to let them appear moving and dynamic. Painting is like a river itself, a play of forces: full of currents, counter-currents, eddies – hectic versus calm, movement versus standstill. Heidrun Pfeiffer has not let go of the river motif and is central to many of her current works. The subject is fascinating on many levels. Rivers are linear flowing bodies of water. They break through national borders: rivers connect countries and cultures intertwine. Another motif is the fern with its appearance that changes with the seasons. The challenge of representing the power of the fern while not ignoring its delicacy and fragility. As in her other works, Heidrun Pfeiffer seeks and finds the way between representationalism and abstraction, between complexity, detail and simplicity. The sculptural works are also about tenderness and strength, fragility and irrepressible energy. Unlike in painting, nothing is added here, no color is piled up or layered, but something is removed, taken away.


HEIDRUN PFEIFFER 1963 geboren in Baden-Baden 1982 Abitur 1982 – 85 Ausbildung zur Kunstglaserin Landessiegerin 1985 – 91 Studium an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Studiengang Malerei und Glasgestaltung u.a.bei Prof. Schaffrath Seit 1991 tätig in Baden-Baden als freischaffende Künstlerin 2020 Ausbildung zum Kunst- und Kreativtherapie Coach Ausstellungen: u.a. in Stuttgart, München, Mosbach, Taunusstein, Romont (Schweiz), Hamburg, Achern Seit 1994 wechselnde Ausstellungen in Baden-Baden 2022 Einzelausstellung Bürgerhaus in Bühl/Baden Referenzen: 2000 Wandgestaltung im Foyer Firma Birko 2007 Auftragsarbeiten für ein Steuerbüro in Gernsbach 2009 – 10 Auftragsarbeiten für eine Großkonditorei 2010 – 13 Gestaltung einer gesamten Etage eines Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmens in Karlsruhe Seit 1993 Auftragsarbeiten für Privatkunden Seit 2020 Einzel- oder Gruppenkurse Kreativ- und Kunsttherapie Ständig wechselnde Ausstellungen: - Atrium in Ettlingen - Korch Notariat Baden-Baden - Galerie Geroldsauer Str.1a Baden-Baden Acrylic on canvas: SILVER 250x160cm FERN IN AUTUMN 120x160cm EVERYTHING IN FLUX 3 x 95x95cm FERN RED 110x130cm (acrylic on wood)