We are offering a free class
Alexander Technique
Friday, 06/10/2023
12:10 - 13:00
13:10 - 14:00
Salle de Bien-Être/ Wellness Center, Palais de l'Europe
Salle -1.031 (Elevator 1)
You will learn about
3 keys for Wellness @ Work
- do something about your aches and pains,
- perform better under pressure
- improve specific skills like speaking in public by learning to use yourself more skillfully as your own “instrument”
Spaces are limited. To reserve your spot please choose a time slot (12:10-13:00 or 13:10-14:00) and send an email to:
- info@alexandertraining.eu -
To better cater to your needs we would also love to hear why you are interested.
For instance:
Do you have specific aches and pains?
Would you like to better cope with the stress and strain of the office?
Would you like to improve a special skill like speaking in public?
Something else?
Célia Jurdant, Hendrik Klein
+33 7 67 11 39 77