The Arts Club : Selection of artists 2015
Basic information for sponsors and artists
As in previous years, artists for inclusion on next year's exhibition list of the Arts Club will be voted on in the Palais (Room 14) on 3 June 2014.
1. Artists wishing to exhibit must be sponsored by a serving or retired member of the Council of Europe's staff, or a serving member of the staff of a Permanent Representation. CE sponsors who are not Strasbourg-based, or who are retired, must be assisted by a serving, Strasbourg-based staff member.
2. Artists already shown by the Arts Club are eligible only if two years have elapsed since their previous exhibition.
3. Group exhibitions are permissible.
4. Preference will be given to artists from Council of Europe member states.
5. Quality and originality will be the chief selection criteria.
6. Artworks must respect the Council of Europe's values.
7. Files: presentation and content
- Files should be compact, to facilitate handling and inspection.
- The recommended format is A4 or slightly smaller/larger.
- Ring binders, books or cardboard folders may be used, and should carry the artist's full name.
- Artists should supply contact and (when applicable) website details.
- Artists should supply career details (training, exhibitions. etc.) and a brief description of their work (techniques and/or any political, social or cultural message they may wish to add).
- Artists should supply 5-20 high-quality photographs. These should be sufficiently large to provide a clear impression of their work, and be printed or mounted on paper/card, with an indication of dimensions and technique.
- Photographs must accurately reflect the work which the artist intends to show if accepted.
8. Artists wishing to exhibit work in two media, or show in different areas, must indicate that clearly, e.g. sculpture display area + showcases (Palais), sculpture display area + walls (Palais).
9. Sponsors should ensure that files are properly prepared and complete before sending them to Mrs. Danuta WISNIEWSKA-CAZALS, who is responsible for centralising them.
10. Files should be accompanied by a letter to the President giving the sponsor's contact details (extension, building, office). Sponsors should indicate display area preferences (showcases in the Palais,
exhibition area in the Palais, exhibition area in the Agora building, exhibition area in the Pharmacopoeia building.
N.B. Artists will be selected, as before, on the basis of the votes cast by staff. However, the Arts Club reserves the right to ensure (via a panel of its members) that the programme for the year is interestingly varied (techniques, subject-matter, etc.) and balanced.