Dinner-debate of the Cercle Européen de Strasbourg: 16 December 2024 at 7.30 pm
The President and the Management Committee of the Cercle Européen de Strasbourg
are pleased to invite you to the Cercle's dinner-debate in honour of
Lawyer, Mayor of Strasbourg
‘Strasbourg, European Capital
The dinner will take place on 16 December 2024 at 7.30 pm at the Cercle headquarters, 1 rue Massenet in Strasbourg.
Kindly confirm your attendance via email to the General Secretary and Treasurer, François Friederich (www.cercleuropeen.eu).
The cost per person is 55 euros. Please make your payment by cheque for the sum of € …, made payable to the Cercle européen.
Should you wish to pay by bank transfer, kindly note that the bank transfer slip is not required. Please find the account details below:
FR76 30003 02368 00050033847 70 - BIC code: SOGEFRPP
Please indicate your telephone number.
If paying by cheque, please return this coupon with your cheque by 12 December 2024 at the latest to: M. François Friederich, Trésorier, 13, rue du Wisch, 67560 Rosenwiller.