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4th Greek Cycle event

4th Greek Cycle event

Calendar from 15/05/2022 to 15/06/2024

As part of the celebrations of the 75th Council of Europe Anniversary the Greek Circle is pleased to invite you to the 4th Greek Cycle event that will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (Palais, Room 10.C, 12:30-14:00).

It will be our honour to host Mr. Giakoumopoulos, Director General at Directorate General I, Human Rights and Rule of Law, one of our more experienced colleagues at the Council of Europe. Mr. Giakoumopoulos will talk to us about his long and valuable experience in the Organization, looking back on the course of Greece and the Organization itself and going through the years of the dictatorship, the phase of Greece's accession to the European Union (then EEC), the enlargement of the Council and the war in the former Yugoslavia, up to the latest developments with the war in Ukraine.

Mr. Giakoumopoulos followed and experienced closely the course of the Council of Europe as a pupil, student and eventually as a Council of Europe staff member up to the key position of Director General, Directorate General I, Human Rights and Rule of Law. His experience and knowledge is more than valuable.

On the occasion of the meeting and in view of his retirement, the Greek Circle would like to thank and honour Mr. Giakoumopoulos for his contribution to the activities and development of the Council of Europe over the last crucial 40 years.

The meeting will be held in English/French for the convenience of non-Greek speaking colleagues. We would kindly ask you to inform anyone you think would be interested in attending. Participation in the group is open to all.

We will be happy to meet you in person!

For more information please contact Grigoris Avdikos and/or Ilias Kalamaras