Call for donations to help the Armenian population
Dear Colleagues,
As you certainly have learnt from different CoE statements and news, Armenia is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis due to a mass inflow of refugees. The number of this population is more than 100 000 including 20 000 children. These people need accommodation, food, medication and other basic supplies. This is a great human tragedy calling for urgent humanitarian aid. To provide support to those in need, we invite you to have your morning coffee break and lunch with us and check out savoury and sweet dishes we prepared for you on 5 October from 09:00 to 14:30 in Agora (at the main entrance) and EDQM (at the entrance of the cafeteria), and on 12 October during the same hours in the Palais de l'Europe (at the entrance of the restaurant).
You are invited to contribute in cash (on the spot) or via transfer to the bank account of ‘’Amicale’’ (FR76 3000 3023 6300 5500 4057 392) labelling your transfer ‘’CoE for Armenia’’.
We do appreciate your support!