Foire caritatitive Européenne : Sunday 25 June from 11 am to 7 pm at the Centre culturel St Thomas
The Non-governmental organisation PromoUkraїna under the patronage of the Latvian Presidency in the Committee of Ministers and in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the Council of Europe and the associations Movement Europeen d’Alsace and Park’n’Sound have the pleasure of inviting you to a charity fair "Stand by Ukraine", which will take place on Sunday 25 June, from 11 am to 7pm at the Centre culturel Saint-Thomas (2 rue de la Carpe Haute).
The purpose of this event is to raise funds to help victims of the recent destruction of the Kakhovska hydroelectric power station in Ukraine by Russian army which created a real humanitarian catastrophe.
In a warm and friendly atmosphere you will be able to try Ukrainian traditional food and drinks, enjoy the performance of Ukrainian singers, experience one of the workshops and buy Ukrainian souvenirs.
Your participation in our fair will be not only a pleasure for us, but also a strong sign of the friendly support to the Ukrainian people, fighting against Russian aggressors and defending the principles of democracy and common European values.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our fair!