Printemps des poètes - Day 13
written the 23/03/2023
The nose of Lublju
Fruzzen und Fratzen
Kutzen und Katzen
Meckeln und heckeln-
Lublju !
To lay and to raise
cleaning and blessing
grimace and grumble -
I am so -
In love!
The nose
of Lublju.
But sadly, I must admit... .
Lublju is already taken.
Pippeldi secretly kissed him
and worshipped and struck down
and tattooed the field.
That's love.
We finally found it,
he's already gone.
Lublju and Pippeldi
Hippeldi and Wibbeli
Schimpelfrans und Mopedhans
and me.
Lublju, I love you
Theresa Heyer
Original language: German