Meeting with Ali Mansour, author of 'The Wallet'
The Amicale invited staff to meet Ali Mansour, author of The Wallet, at a book signing on April 23 at 12.30 pm in front of the Librairie Kléber. Ali Mansour then held an informal discussion of his book in the 12-star cafeteria from 1.30 to 2.30 pm.
Ali Mansour was also the guest on the Laure Adler show, Tropismes, which was broadcast on France Ô on Saturday, April 21 at 12am.
The wallet is already available at the Librairie Kléber.
The plot: A teenager takes on the role of head of household left vacant by his father, a mother bowed down by the weight of tradition seeks revenge on all men, even her son, a grandmother clings on to life solely through her love for her family; a cruel policeman recreates the lives of those he questions in the form of a macabre play, a group of students gets drunk on the forbidden wine of freedom ...
In Tunis, a stolen wallet acts as the catalyst for a handful of men and women to confront their frustrated desires, their trampled aspirations and their unfulfilled dreams. What will it take to restore hope in a country demoralised by dictatorship and poverty?
Ali Mansour is Tunisian. He is the son of a dockworker, now deceased.
Staff can contact the author directly: