New Kundalini yoga classes at the Agora !
written the 25/01/2023
Kundalini yoga gives you the necessary workout for your body and a serene, uplifted state of mind. Transformation from stressful state to joy and serenity at the end of each class is guaranteed! Your mind is busy with so many different new things that it will release the habitual thinking!
Each class comprises dynamic postures combined with simple breathing techniques (pranayamas), deep relaxation and a meditation. Beautiful music (mantras sung by artists) in the background helps you to stay focused and gives you the rhythm. You will also learn simple but very efficient techniques for your everyday life to help you to energise or to calm down whenever needed. No preparation is required. Beginners as well as advanced students will enjoy the benefits. Mats and cushions will be available on the spot (soon). Please bring some water, a shawl or a blanket for relaxation and wear comfortable clothes. No shoes or socks required.
Join us and see for yourself!
Tuesdays 12:30 - 13:45 and Thursdays 18:00 - 19:00
€15 - session without a card
€70 - card for 5 sessions, valid for 3 months
€130 - card for 10 sessions, valid for 6 months
€245 - card for 20 sessions, valid for 12 months
Agora (room S0 18A, level 0, near the back entrance)
Contact : Tatiana Mychelova (, 38.68)