Great Thanks Day
Great Thanks Day" was held last Saturday in several European countries to thank them for the warm welcome given to Ukrainian people relocated by the war. In Strasbourg, nearly 100 Ukrainian refugees, many of them children, mobilised to make the city cleaner.
A clean-up operation took place on Saturday 7 May in Strasbourg, coordinated by the PromoUkraina association with the support of Octop'us and World Cleanup Day - France. The main goal of the operation was to thank the inhabitants of the city, which has become the new home of hundreds of Ukrainian refugees temporarily in France, by contributing to its cleanliness.
The participants met at 2pm in the rue de Nantes, where for years an illegal open-air rubbish dump 200 metres long has been hiding. Mainly made up of construction waste, the dump was cleared of plastic waste, tyres, broken furniture, metal cans, bottles and thousands of cigarette butts.
Thanks to the inexhaustible enthusiasm and motivation of the participants, the desired objective of the operation was achieved in just under 2 hours and 80% of the waste removed was taken to the waste disposal centre. The rest, sorted and ready for collection, was reported to the city services.
"Dear French people, this is just the beginning" say the Ukrainians. "Thank you for your precious support and solidarity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" The next waste collection operation will take place in Strasbourg on 22 June 2022.