The General Assembly of the staff reaffirms its confidence and gives its support to the Amicale
This morning, the General Assembly adopted, by 415 votes to 14 (with 73 abstentions), the following Resolution on the Amicale du personnel:
The General Assembly of the staff, acting as the General Assembly of the Amicale in accordance with Order 1165 of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe :
Takes note with satisfaction of the 2019 activity report presented by the President of the Amicale, thanking the officers of the Amicale for their voluntary commitment in the service of Council of Europe staff;
Discharges the Staff Union Committee for the accounts of the financial year 2019, in the light of the report presented by the President of the Staff Union and the certificate drawn up by the Audit Committee;
Congratulates the Amicale for its involvement in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe;
Declares the following candidates elected to the Committee of the Amicale for a two-year term of office:
- BELAID Keltoum
- HUBER Denis
- MORITZ Renée
- PREVOST Marie-Rose
- O'LOUGHLIN Bridget
Reappoints the following members of the Audit Committee for a further term of two years:
- BARON Katia
- BISHOP Joanna
We congratulate the newly elected (or re-elected) members, and thank in particular the auditors, the treasurer and the secretary of the Amicale for their work carried out under particularly difficult conditions. And of course we welcome the renewed confidence that the overwhelming majority of the agents have shown in the Amicale!
President of the Staff Association of the Council of Europe.