Calling for donations for the AFGES in Strasbourg for the distribution of meals for students
AFGES (Association Fédérative Générale des Etudiant.e.s d'Alsace) is launching an appeal for food and hygiene products for the students of Strasbourg. For a few weeks now, and following the start of the second confinement, the number of students in need coming to the association for assistance has increased severely and it is struggling to meet all the needs.
If you wish to help, AFGES is collecting pasta, rice, tinned foods, cereals, pre-prepared meals (not fresh) and also hygiene products such as soap, shower gel, toothpaste or female hygiene products.
You can drop the donations off at 1 boulevard de la Victoire in Strasbourg every Monday and Tuesday between 9h and 17h.
Thank you for your generosity!