DEBATE: “International trade and the environment. How can the EU Green Deal go global?” | Thursday 12 November, 19:00, Zoom
Dear friend of the European Parliamentary Association,
We are delighted to invite you to “International trade and the environment. How can the EU Green Deal go global?”, a videoconference that will take place on Thursday 12 November, from 7:00 to 7:30 pm, on Zoom.
To participate, you just have to click on this link on the day of the debate:
With the Green Deal, the European Union wants to lead the global fight against climate change and show the rest of the world how to be sustainable and competitive. In this effort, European trade policy plays an important but ambivalent role. On the one hand, as world’s largest trading bloc, the EU can indeed use trade deals as a lever to push its partners to address the climate crisis. On the other hand, if EU trade agreements do not require imports to be produced sustainably, the risk is that the EU outsources environmental damage to other countries.
Questions to be addressed include: How can EU trade policy enhance global sustainability and help the European Green Deal to succeed? Why is it so difficult to convince Europe’s wanna-be trade partners to adhere to the principles of the Paris Agreement? Is a carbon border adjustment mechanism really necessary to convince other countries to go green? What role does cooperation on energy issues or technology transfer play in this dynamic? Could the current pandemic be a game changer and help, through the adoption of green stimulus plans, the Green Deal go global?
We will try to answer these questions with the help of two Members of the European Parliament:
- Christophe Hansen, EPP coordinator in the committee on International Trade of the European Parliament
- Saskia Bricmont, Greens/EFA, member of the committee on International Trade of the European Parliament
We remain at your disposal for every additional information and hope to see you there.
Yours sincerely,
Responsable de la programmation événementielle et de la communication
Association Parlementaire Européenne
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