Exhibition: "Say it in creole !"
In the context of "Le Mois Kréyol", the festival of creole cultures and languages, the Caribbean dance section presents jointly with the association Karaïb' Vibe an exhibition on the topic "Say it in creole !"
The exhibition will be shown at Illiade during the Festival and will be introduced at the litterature encounter organised at Librairie Kléber on 31 October, from 10.30.
The exhibition will also be shown in Mulhouse (Espace Matisse) on the occasion of the Mois Kréyol Festival, from 9 - 11 November. https://lemoiskreyol.fr/category/mulhouse/
Please note: the sanitary situation impacts the programming : please follow the programme changes in real time: https://lemoiskreyol.fr/le-nouveau-programme-de-strasbourg/