ASCE webconference with US coach & triathlete Sonja Wieck - How to develop more confidence and toughness mentally, physically and emotionally
Through her weekly podcasts “Tales of toughness”, Sonja Wieck shares an in-depth look at how to overcome limiting beliefs, develop a deeper awareness into why you compete, and understand what makes high-performers tick.
Sonja Wieck is a Mom of a 14 year old teenager, 18 x Ironman and participant to the World’s Toughest Race Eco-Challenge in Fidji.
Her goal is to help develop more confidence and toughness both mentally, physically and emotionally.
She will answer your questions, share her athlete experience and give advice on how to cope with the pandemic-life and avoid depression!
This conference will be given through the ASCE virtual room on Bluejeans on Wednesday 14 October 5 pm.
Places are limit so please register by Tuesday 13 October noon by sending an email with your question to Olivia Conrad.
- For more info on Sonja Wieck:
- Check her website "GoSonja":