"Yes to Europe! "13 June 2020 at Librairie Kléber
On the eve of the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Schengen Agreement, and the eve of the reopening of borders, the question remains... open.
A double event proposed by the association "A livre ouvert...Wie ein offenes Buch", in partnership with the European Movement - Alsace, Unir l'Europe - weg mit der Grenze, the OLCA, the Conseil culturel d'Alsace and the Amicale du Conseil de l'Europe.
17h : " Living border / sterile border ".
Meeting with Mathieu Schneider, Vice-President of the University of Strasbourg, Claude Keiflin, former DNA journalist and author and Hervé Moritz, former President of the Young Europeans - France (2017-2019), Secretary General of the European Movement - Alsace and PhD student in History of European Integration at the University of Strasbourg.
Aline Martin, President of A livre ouvert...wie ein offenes Buch
"The border has always been a place of economic or cultural exchange, a place of friction, a place of passage, a place where friendships and enmities are created. Today, borders are being closed for health reasons. Although they are not completely closed, they remain sterile. Economic exchanges have been the only ones allowed (international road transport, border crossings). However, when they were closed, the virus was circulating on both sides. They were closed by reflex and by ease (it is easier to close national borders than to create them within a country). The challenge today is to make the border live as an opportunity. This has been Europe's challenge since 1957. »
18.00 : Lecture-concert : " They wrote Europe "
Lucien de Samosate, Stefan Zweig, Romain Rolland, Vaclav Havel, Henri Meschonnic, Jean-Luc Nancy, René Schickele, Tomi Ungerer and André Weckmann: they all wrote Europe.
Noufissa Kabbou and Emmanuel Simula, Matskat and Francky Reinhardt set it to music.
Reading: Maria Ioannou, Aline Martin, Jean Lorrain, Mathieu Schneider.