Stay fit, 22th day
Today's cardio-fitness training is proposed by Olivia Conrad. It is called "abds workout". Look at the picture on the side to adapt your position.
You will need a fitness ball and a fitness board if you have one, otherwise, simply skip exercises n. 2 & 7.
For each exercise, you will have 45 sec of effort and 15 sec of recovery break. If you feel good, do 3 rounds of these 7 exercises. Take one minute break between each round. Let's go!
1. Crossed leg crunch, with one stretched leg, the other leg with bent knee and switch legs.
2. Plank on a fitness ball and bending your knees while holding your arms stretched.
3. Crossed leg crunch, with stretched legs up and down.
4. Abds on the floor, using your fitness ball above your head in your arms and bringing your stretched legs to touch the ball.
5. Dynamic lateral plank, changing side by switching your arm.
6. Elbow plank - try to hold 60 sec instead of 45 sec if you can. Then move to upper full plank - again try to hold 60 sec instead of 45 sec if you can.
7. Hips lift with stretched legs up and down - if possible on a sloping fitness board if you have one at home.
Finished for today! Well done! Stay fit and tuned to discover more cardio-fitness exercises tomorrow. Take good care of yourself and your families.