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Stay fit, 12th day

Stay fit, 12th day

Calendar from 13/04/2020 to 31/05/2020


Today's programme has been prepared by Olivia Conrad.
It is called EMOM: Every Minute On The Minute.

You will have to do these 4 exercises in less than one minute and recover during the few secondes left before the new minute starts. 
The programme will be over when you will finish these 4 exercises over one minute.
Start the chrono and begin at 00:00 then 01:00 then 02:00 etc and continue until your 4 exercises last more than one minute.

Here is the programme:

1. 5 jumped squats.
2. 5 jumped steps forward.
3. 5 push up on the knees to make it easier.
4. 5 burpees.

Well done for today!
Stay fit and tuned, discover our new cardio-fitness exercices tomorrow.
Take care of you and your families.