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Stay fit, 7th day

Stay fit, 7th day

Calendar from 02/04/2020 to 31/05/2020

Today's fitness exercices have been prepared and tested by Olivia Conrad.

You will discover a new pyramidal series of exercises to work out your arms, legs, abds and gluteal muscles.

Don't forget to listen any "Tabata's songs" playlist on Deezer, Spotify or Youtube to have a good cardio rythm. Let's go!

1. 5 burpees.

2. 10 push up (on your knees to make it easier).

3. 15 dips on a chair.

4. 20 squats.

5. 25 "scissors abds" with your legs straight up and down in alternance.

6. 20 squats.

7. 15 dips on a chair.

8. 10 push up (on your knees to make it easier).

9. 5 burpees.

Do these 9 exercises three times on a row, at your own rythm, don't rush and take time to drink water before starting a new serie.

Well done for today, Bravo!
Stay fit and take good care of you and your families.