Conference “Ancient Maps and Their History"
Bernadette Villiger, Amicale Femmes member, will give a talk entitled "Ancient maps and their history" illustrated by original maps of the 16th -19th centuries.
Since ancient times civilisations have always needed road maps for armies, merchants and field plans for tax purposes. The king and clergy also wanted to know the size of their territories. The making of maps and borders have changed over time.
Bernadette proposes to associate this conference with a collection for the victims of fires in Australia. The money raised will be distributed between the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery and Trees for Life, to revegetate damaged areas so as to provide habitat for native animals.
If there is interest, Bernadette will also be offering for sale some original historic maps for the benefit of these associations.
When: 28 January, 2020 at 2.15pm (in French) and 5.15pm (in English)
Where: Agora Room A1.04V