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New TTS web pages: Enrollment and Where We Play

New TTS web pages: Enrollment and Where We Play

Written written the 20/03/2019

Here we are again, approaching our 4th session of our TTS. Last time the news was all about the new equipment we got. This time it’s the TTS web presentation.

Two new pages were created, one for enrolling in the TTS and the other describing the locations where we can play(for now).

Since we never did any official enrolment in the TTS, I would like to invite you to do so via the below link. As mentioned before, it’s completely free and without any strings attached – hmmm except 1: you have to be a current member of the AMICALE (for insurance purposes). The form also lets you do a self-evaluation, so that we can use that in the future to make up teams or pairs or not use it at all. Please fill it in only once, and the Personal info must be filled in completely so that I can copy it over to our membership table.

Enrolment form

As for the second page, it’s all about the places where we can play. More to be added as we go… Maybe we can play outside this Thursday?

Where we play