Conference of Dr. Laurie MARKER “Biodiversity and ecosystem: a study case of cheetahs in Africa
The Amicale invites you to come and have a talk with the “Cheetah Lady” on Thursday 31 January from 5.30pm to 8pm in Room 9 of the Palais !
Her intervention in Strasbourg will be an opportunity to exchange on animal welfare and biodiversity conservation policies implemented within Europe and the rest of the world.
Dr. Laurie MARKER founded the Cheetah Conservation Fund » (CCF) in 1991 at Otjiwarongo in Namibia. The Cheetah is the most endangered feline specie on the short run as we estimate their population to be about 7 500 in the wild, almost exclusively in Africa, among which 2000 are in Namibia where CCF is located.
This worldwide non-profit organisation hosts a permanent cheetah research centre conducting many action programmes aiming at protecting the specie and reintroducing it in its natural environment, preserving the ecosystem and carrying genetic monitoring program… The CCF carries actions on all continents through its local affiliated organisations based in the United States, Canada, Belgium, Italy, Japan and Australia, as well as supporting associations in the Netherlands, France and Germany.
After the conference, you will be able to meet the CCF representatives and become a member of one of their European associations that support them: « Amifélins » in France, « CCF Italia » in Italy or « AGA-Artenschutz » in Germany.
For more information, check out the CCF website
- To access the conference, use the main entrance of the building upon presentation of your ID and prior registration