The Hague Congress 70th anniversary evening
To mark the 70th anniversary of the Hague Congress, the Amicale proposes a two-part evening on 16 May from 6.30pm to 10pm in partnership with MESA, Lieu d'Europe, Young Europeans France, ME-Alsace and UEF -Strasbourg. The evening will take place at the amphitheatre 324 of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (47 avenue de la Forêt Noire).
In part one, a conference will be held on the 1948 Hague Congress with contributions from:
- Sylvain Schirmann, former director of IEP Strasbourg
- Florence Benoît-Rohmer, head of the Human Rights Master's degree at the Strasbourg Faculty of Law
- Birte Wassenberg, Professor of Contemporary History at IEP Strasbourg
- Denis Huber, President of Council of Europe Amicale Staff Association
The significance of the Hague Congress in the European project lies in its dual incarnation (Council of Europe and EU), which resulted in the creation of the Council of Europe in 1949 and the 1950 Schuman declaration. The Congress was a founding moment in European construction; but what remains of it today?
In part two, we propose a "European night" following the model of the Citizen Consultations set up by the European Commission on the initiative of the President of the French Republic, which will take place throughout Europe in the coming months. The Young Europeans will be leading workshops aimed at considering the proposals of the Hague Congress and giving the opportunity to reflect on them, their relevance and their possible application even today.