27 March : Veggie Lunch meet up
Are you interested in putting more vegetarian or vegan food in your life, or, are you already vegan or veggie?
The Green Section of the Amicale would like to invite you to an informal lunch meet up on Monday the 27th of March.
Location: Meeting in the communal area of the Agora 12:15 pm. (we can decide there, if the weather is good, to go to the Lieu d’Europe park).
It will be a great opportunity to meet up with colleagues who embrace a veggie or vegan lifestyle, and for those who are interested, a great time to ask questions and find out how to move away from animal based foods and get more plant based foods into your diet.
If you are bringing a dish to share, please ensure that it is Vegan so it will be suitable for everyone.
If you are bringing lunch just for yourself please ensure that it is at least vegetarian.
To be environmentally conscious, we ask that each person bring their own re-usable cutlery and plate.
Here are some links to websites that have recipe ideas for easy lunches:http://minimalistbaker.com/ http://ohsheglows.com/ http://www.vegansociety.com/resources/recipes
If you have any questions please do not hesitate your Green Section colleagues: Lisa Sullivan, Elsa Burgard, Philippe Haag, Regina Letelie