Collecte en faveur d'Alsace Syrie et Right to Dream Academy
From 14 to 15 March Amicale is organising a large-scale collection for Alsace Syria(*) and the Right to Dream Academy(**).
There will be a collection point in each Council of Europe building:
- Agora: the Amicale office, A1.09V
- EDQM: Estelle FRITZ, office MA3 110
- Palais: the Distribution service
- PDH: Chara FLOURENTZOU, office 30 03 311 2I
Products and material requested by the associations:
- school supplies (pencils, pens, notebooks, school bags, ...);
- craft material (glue, paint, crayons, geometry instruments, colouring books, jig-saw puzzles …);
- children’s books (only French and English);
- non-perishable foodstuff (rice, pasta, ...);
- powdered milk for babies.
Clothes will not be accepted.
(*) Alsace Syria, an initiative originating in Strasbourg to help deal with the Syrian crisis, was set up to help Syrians from Syria, France and elsewhere in the world, as well as to provide financial and material aid to victims of the conflict.
(**) The Right to Dream Academy, an association founded in 1999, offers children from Africa living in extreme poverty the chance to build a better life and to improve the life of their families, thanks to football, instruction and education. The charity is situated in Ghana and distributes grants to school children. The grants are sufficient to finance their schooling but not to cover out-of-school activities, which is why the organisation collects material and games that we no longer use.