Palais - Friday 12 September 2014 - Mr Susumu Hasegawa, Consul General of Japan and Permanent Observer of Japan to the Council of Europe, did us the honour of delivering a speech to around 100 persons gathered in the projection room after Mr Denis Huber, President of the Amicale, had welcomed the initiative of providing access to the Japanese culture through this newly created Section. Ms Mariko Watanabe announced the details concerning the content of the course and rates.
Mr Kiyoshi Wada, Consul of Japan and Deputy observer, kindly commented on two DVDs presenting the seasons and different regions of Japan. Both films were a real invitation to travel to the country of the Rising Sun...
The event ended with a buffet tasting of sushi (prepared by the restaurant Shoon in Neudorf), at the cost of the Amicale of the Council of Europe, as well as beer and sake of excellent quality, imported especially from Japan. Drinks were provided by the Consulate General of Japan. Four young students ensured the service.
The first lesson will be held on Wednesday, September 17, 2014, from 12 to 13:00, Agora - Room A1.08V.