We would like to invite you on Thursday, May 16 at 8 pm, to the Saint Guillaume church in Strasbourg, for a charity concert by the Honorary National Ensemble of Bandourists of Ukraine by Georiy Mayboroda. There will be 40 musicians on stage, bandoura players - a Ukrainian stringed instrument.
Participation is free.
You will find attached the poster of the event and the press kit of the Ensemble.
Extract from the press kit:
Honorary National Ensemble of Bandourists of Ukraine of Georiy Mayboroda is a unique phenomenon of Ukrainian national cultural heritage. The basis of the repertoire was and remains Ukrainian folk songs, the orchestrations of which are successfully performed by the head of the musical part of the group, Volodymyr Marunych. Choral singing accompanied by the delicate silver timbre of the bandura, the theatricalization of each song creates an unforgettable impression, captures the heart and soul of everyone who has at least once touched the sources of Ukrainian songs performed by the group.
The unique art of bandourists is known and appreciated in all corners of Ukraine and beyond.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Ukrainian Section
Olga Kostenko - olga.kostenko@coe.int