Preselection artists 2025

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Calendar The next month at the Arts Club

Exhibitions's archives

Calendar Next Amicale's events

Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurkan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Culture Arts Club
Vernissages on 4 and 5 September at the Palais and the Agora
Vernissages on 4 and 5 September at the Palais and the Agora Vernissages on 4 and 5 September at the Palais and the Agora

Vernissages on 4 and 5 September at the Palais and the Agora

Calendar from 13/09/2023 to 30/09/2023

This autumn promises to be a busy one for the Club des Arts: 4 exhibitions in different styles (design, oil painting and photography) at the Palais and the Agora, and in particular :

4 September at the Agora :

Jan JIRKOVSKY - Les barrières - Amicale du Conseil de l'Europe (

5 September at the Palais :

Matteo ZORZENONI - GLASS REVOLUTION - Amicale du Conseil de l'Europe (

Mathilde de SEROUX - Faites entrer la Nature chez vous - Amicale du Conseil de l'Europe (

Christiane ROQUES-SIMON - Arrêt sur image: dans l'élégance du clair-obscur - Amicale du Conseil de l'Europe (

Come one, come all!