Thursday 23 February 18h30-20h at the Studium (rue Blaise Pascal, University of Strasbourg)
Organised by the European Mouvement-Alsace, the Young Europeans-Strasbourg and PromoUkraïna.
On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a war of aggression in Ukraine.
One year later, what are the prospects for Ukrainian society and the army?
How can we support Ukraine on a military, humanitarian, diplomatic and legal level?
Let's take stock of the situation with several specialists from Strasbourg:
- Mr Mathieu Schneider, Vice-President of the University of Strasbourg, in charge of solidarity actions
- Mr Alexis Vahlas, former adviser to the NATO staff, expert in European security and international stability
- Mr Philippe Breton, Vice-President of the Bas-Rhin Red Cross
- Mr Günter Schirmer, Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
A debate moderated by Mr Jean-Luc Fournier, Editorial Director, Or Norme.