(Amal’s hope)
The Syrian population is also hard hit by the earthquakes, thousands of victims are to be deplored without counting the material damage, just like Turkey, neighboring country whose number of victims, seriously wounded, continues to increase.
You can support all actions towards Syria by making a donation via the solidarity account of the Amicale :
Société Générale 30003 02363 00550040573 92 (IBAN : FR76 3000 3023 6300 5500 4057 392) avec l’objet suivant : SOLIDARITE SYRIE.
The funds collected will be transferred via the solidarity account of the Amicale to the Alsace-Syria Association implementing the support operations towards Syria by all financial and material means by sending there, including equipment. (tents, blankets..)
Each donation is helpful and we thank you warmly for your support of the Syrian people.