Human creativity is omnipresent in our daily lives. It manifests itself in objects, in the buildings that surround us and in the different forms of language.
This exhibition will explore the creative process behind the selected objects created by Hungarian artists and designers. It tells their story through documentation of their achievements. Thus, you will see not only the finished objects, holders of international awards (Red Dot, Athens Jewellery Week, etc.), but also the path, the reflection that allowed them to take their final form.
The objects exhibited are "hybrids": they are jewels that come close to works of art (one could also speak of works of art that come close to jewels) as well as everyday objects that communicate messages through their forms. And it is, above all, the creator's and the viewer's/user's gaze that fills these objects with life.
The majority of the objects were created by Maria Roskóet and Attila Cosovan and the company