When: on Thursdays, from 12:45 to 1:45 pm
Start: from Thursday 30 September 2021
Where: Salle du Bon Pasteur
Direction: Anastasia Kananovich
Compulsory conditions: to take part in the choir, you must be up to date with your Amicale membership (25 euros per year, from date to date); and you must have a pass sanitaire.
Cost: the Amicale contributes half the fee; estimated contribution from chorristers between 30 and 50 euros for the term (the exact amount will depend on the number of participants and sessions).
Concert planned:
- Ceremony on the parvis of Palais de l'Europe on Monday 18 October, during the lunch break, as part of the World Day against Poverty; more details to follow. 3 songs will be sung, including the European anthem
- A charity concert in November for the benefit of an association
- Christmas concerts, including one in partnership with the choir of the Hôpital Civil
P.S. Some of the choristers took part in the Brassens concert organised by the Brassens group of the Amicale, during the Bibliothèques idéales in September: a superb moment of conviviality, around "L'Auvergnat" and "Les Copains d'Abord"
For more information on the choir, please contact claudia.klein@coe.int or ian.wilson@coe.int