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Calendar Next Amicale's events

Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurkan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Discover German literature!

Discover German literature!

Calendar from 27/03/2020 to 27/03/2020

As part of the German Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the media libraries in Strasbourg are joining forces with the Kehl media library to offer a panorama of German literature. Identified on the site of the media libraries under the name "Kehl Favoriten", the reading tracks will satisfy readers in search of entertainment! The first article is devoted to the sentimental novels of Petra HÜLSMANN.

Read the article.