We would like to remind you of the premiums and conditions of the funeral guarantee before the Amicale calls for dues in early January 2021 for the year 2021.
- Retired (single person): contribution of 41.40€ for a guarantee of 1830€.
-Retired (family): contribution of 82.80€ for a guarantee of 1830€.
- Assets (single person): contribution of 55.80€ for a guarantee of 4000€.
- Assets (family): contribution of 111.60€ for a guarantee of 4000€.
This information will allow you to compare with other insurance companies.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Aurore GUYOT
Henner The Funeral Warranty
14 boulevard du Général Leclerc 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Tel: +33 (0) 1 55 62 53 20