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Calendar Next Amicale's events

Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurkan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Social action Green section
Eco-Week 24-28 February 2020 – Call for volunteers!

Eco-Week 24-28 February 2020 – Call for volunteers!

Calendar from 24/02/2020 to 28/02/2020

The Green Section of the Amicale is excited to announce its next Eco-Week on the 24-28 February 2020, launching the beginning of a busy and important year for climate, environment and sustainability issues in the Council of Europe and the wider world.

Following the success of the inaugural event in 2018, we once again plan to have conferences, workshops, an Eco-Concert, and awareness-raising events across the Coe buildings, including inviting local experts and NGOs on environmental themes.

For the successful running of the week, we will need many enthusiastic volunteers to help out during the lunchtimes of each day in different buildings. If you are interested in helping this vital environmental cause, please contact us.