In partnership with the Amicale du Conseil de l'Europe, the Alliance Française offers French as a Foreign Language (FLE) courses at the premises of the Council of Europe.
Courses will take place from October 2019 to June 2020 at a rate of 2 hours per week, with the possibility of registering per term (October-December; January-March; April-June). The SPECIAL hourly rate for COUNCIL OF EUROPE employees is €10, including registration fees and the assessment test. The total amount will be calculated based on the number of hours in each quarter.
The groups of levels will be formed at the end of the registration process and more particularly the placement tests (opening of the course from 10 participants).
The courses will take place at the Agora. The days and times (12pm/14pm) will be specified later.
A certificate (level and attendance) will be issued by the Alliance Française to each participant at the end of the programme.
Registered participants will be involved in the Alliance Française's cultural activities throughout the year and will have privileged access to the year's major events such as the Fête de la Francophonie in March for example.
Information and registration with the Alliance Française Strasbourg Europe.
Registration deadline is October 10.
Contact: Caroline ROURE: - Tel.
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