Piano/voice cocktail Duo Absinthes will take you back in time to the interwar years, in the louche atmosphere of Paris cabarets and Berlin nightclubs.
In his repertoire, stylish partners in crime Clarissa Worsdale (soprano) and Motoko Harunari (piano) show off their full range with archness and sparkling appeal.
From Kurt Weill’s acerbic songs to lighter numbers, Duo Absinthes wittily conjures up portraits of modern, complex, confident and eccentric women.
“A homage to femininity and lust” (DNA)
“A dizzying tour…through the decadence of Berlin nightlife, with forsaken lovers seeking to drown their sorrows in alcohol” (DNA)
“Classy and bold” (DNA)
5 mars - 19h30
Haus der Begegnung
Merianstr. 2, Heidelberg
10€ / 6€
+49 6221 16 29 69
10 mars - 17h
Textures Poterie d'art
17 rue des Tulipes, Muttersholtz
Entrée libre - plateau
03 88 85 23 33
17 mars - 16h et 17h
Weekend de l'art contemporain
Galerie Bertrand Gillig
11 rue Oberlin, Strasbourg
Entrée libre (20 places) - plateau
30 mars - 19h
Musiques Éclatées
Aedaen Gallery
1a rue des Aveugles, Strasbourg
Entrée libre - en fonction des places disponibles