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Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurcan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Strasbourg & Co Amicale's Partners Events
Fundraising - Tribute to the victims of the Strasbourg attack

Fundraising - Tribute to the victims of the Strasbourg attack

Calendar from 21/01/2019 to 10/02/2019

Fundraising in support of the tribute to the victims of the Strasbourg attack to be held on Saturday, 9 February 2019, Place Saint?Thomas

On 9 February on Place Saint?Thomas (St. Thomas’ Square), more than 20 associations – some which victims of the attack were involved in – will unite to pay tribute to them.

As Strasbourg and its inhabitants have been severely affected by the attack of 11 December, we decided to join forces and come together by organising a tribute event to rally hope.

France 3 published an article announcing this event. Read the article.



1. Venue

Place Saint?Thomas – from 3 pm on Saturday 9 February until 1 am on Sunday 10 February – refreshments and catering throughout. The food stands, which will promote “World Cuisine”, are being organised by CSC Neuhof which is co?ordinating a team of mothers from the Neuhof district.

2. Village

Village of Associations on Place Saint?Thomas: Stands to open from 3 pm up to about 8 pm. Associations involved in cultural, humanitarian and social spheres will set up stands, some offering surprise activities. There will be a space devoted to adult debates and readings for children. An exhibition of drawings by pupils from St. Thomas’ Primary School is also planned.

3. Entertainment

Between 3 and 8 pm several events will take place on Place Saint?Thomas, both in the crowd and on stage: musical “gigs”, a poetry “commando”, a town crier, music and poetry Slam, various theatrical performances (Music/Poetry/Dance/Performance Art – the programme is currently being drawn up).

4. Concert

From 8 to 10 pm (max), the main show will be held inside St. Thomas’ Church bringing together amateur and professional artists and all forms of music, dance, literature and poetry. As the church’s capacity is limited to 530, the concert will also be broadcast simultaneously on a giant screen outside [the church] on Place Saint?Thomas.

5. Open stage

Open stage (Jam sessions / Open Mic) from 10 pm to 1 am inside the church and open to any artists who wish to perform (some involving audience participation), or just play together.


To show your support you are invited to make a donation.

There are several ways you can do this:

Via Leetchi

• By cheque – made payable to Arrach'Choeur and addressed to: Mr David Bouchard, 5 rue des échasses, 67000 Strasbourg, or

• By bank transfer: ARRACH'CHŒUR – IBAN: FR76 1027 8010 8200 0202 6500 560 – BIC – CMCIFR2A

Donations are eligible for 66% income tax relief. If you would like a tax voucher, please complete this document and send it to us.

Should donations exceed the cost of organising the event, the remaining balance will be paid to the families of victims or put towards similar projects in aid of victims of the Strasbourg attack.


This tribute to the victims of the Strasbourg attack has been inspired through collaboration by a group of associations, in particular:

Musique pour la paix (oriental instruments); L’Arrach’Choeur (production office & amateur vocal ensemble); Rodéo d’Âme (Editor); Wiosna (Polish dancing); KELETI (Hungarian dancing); La Croix Rouge (humanitarian); RadUni (Italian radio station); Association culturelle des Afghans de Strasbourg, Le Théâtre en l’air (Yiddish language association); Alsace Bande Dessinée (Strasbulles Festival); Marea Granate (Spanish); le Conseil des Jeunes de Strasbourg, la SAFIRE (Société des Auteurs de Films Indépendants de la Région Est); le Conseil des Résidents Etrangers; Radiorhino et Radio MNE (local associative radio stations), Europhonica (network of associative radio stations), ASTU (Actions Citoyennes Interculturelles), Y Olé ! (Flamenco), A livre ouvert (literature), CASAS (refugee support). A network of close friends of victims, not necessarily active in any of these associations, is also part of the collective.