The string quartet of Strasbourg will give its next concert in the frame of the « Heures Musicales d’Ebersmunster » with a program dedicated to the memory of Claude DEBUSSY who died in 1918, a century ago. The event will take place sunday 17 June at 5 p.m. in the Abbatiale Church in Ebersmunster (40km South of Strasbourg)
In the core of the recital : the Quartet in G minor composed by Claude DEBUSSY (in four movements).
The concert will begin by the Oracion del Torero written by Joachim TURINA who met the French composer in Paris and whose style is largely inspired by the french « touch » of the early century.
The musicians will then perform the famous stringquartet in F (four movements) written by Maurice RAVEL.
The Quatuor Florestan will enjoy to meet you in the Abbatiale , the barock jewel in Alsace .
Tickets:15 € - Reduced 12 € : membres of Accent 4, Cézam, cercle Richard Wagner and groups (10 persons)
Booking is recommended : phone 03 88 85 78 32 and Website
Further informations : 03 88 45 08 55 and Website