The Green Section of the Amicale is excited to announce its next activity: “Walk to Work!” Week to take place between 28 May and 1 June. This challenge aims to encourage Council of Europe and Permanent Representation colleagues who live within a short distance of the office to walk to work and back every day for one week, instead of taking the car. DGA supports this initiative and encourages staff to adopt eco-friendly attitudes in its “My 10 steps for the environment” campaign.
The benefits of such an activity are multi-faceted: walking is the most eco-friendly mode of transport, walking is good for health and fitness, it can also help you start and end the day with a more energetic and positive attitude.
During one week (Monday to Friday), participants should record all of the distance they have walked. At the end of the week, and no later than 4 June, they should send us proof of the total distance: the best way to do this would be to record the distance on a smartphone application, or other device (such as a sports watch), however colleagues who do not possess such a device could use an online tool (check with us for more details).
At the end of the week, the 3 walkers who have recorded the highest distance will receive prizes, including a sports/walking gadget, voucher for a local nature shop or hamper of fresh local produce.
Please subscribe as soon as possible to Carla, and remember to send us proof of your results by 4 June at the latest, as the winners will be announced on 5 June- World Environment Day!