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Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurkan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Languages Amicale Education
Seminar  ‘Unleash potential: help children succeed at school’

Seminar ‘Unleash potential: help children succeed at school’

Calendar from 10/03/2018 to 10/03/2018

You wish to inform yourself and discuss about the possibilities to address the issues encountered by children at school in the learning process ?

The Saturday Seminar on 10 March 2018 entitled ‘Unleash potential: help children succeed at school’ is designed for you !

Come meet us in Waldbronn, a suburb of Karlsruhe, to listen to experts in cognitive sciences, to discuss about the reasons of children failure at school and to explore solutions to solve this increasing issue. You will leave with paths to explore both at home and at school.

A specific focus will be held on the impact that auditory and visual difficulties have on learning.

Introduction and demonstration to Neurofeedback, a new development which can be used to enhance concentration and reduce stress, is scheduled.

 This Seminar aims at being interactive, so that your specific concerns can be addressed.

Click here to discover the whole programme of this Seminar.


Please find attached a registration form, which should be returned to :

If you have any questions regarding this event, do not hesitate to call Carol : 072453 532775.