Preselection artists 2025

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President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Culture Arts Club

La gomme bichromatée : le mariage de la peinture et de la photographie

Michel LERSY - La gomme bichromatée : le mariage de la peinture et de la photographie

Calendar from 09/01/2023 to 03/02/2023

Le photographe sera présent à la galerie du Club des Arts le jeudi 2 février, dans la matinée.

Michel LERSY - Je pratique la photographie depuis une quarantaine d’années. Je suis passionné par les procédés photographiques du 19ème siècle, en particulier le tirage à la gomme bichromatée qui est le mariage de la photo et de la peinture ; il met en œuvre les outils du photographe (appareil photo et négatifs grand formats) et ceux du peintre (pinceaux et pigments). Tout l’intérêt ... Read more »

Peintures: 2019-2022

Leonardo Vargas - Peintures: 2019-2022

Calendar from 03/04/2023 to 28/04/2023

Leonardo Vargas. Peintures: 2019-2022


Leonardo Vargas, born in 1982 in Colombia, holds a Master of Arts degree from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht in the Netherlands and a programme in history and theory of modern and contemporary art.

He is also a member of the research team ACCRA (Contemporary Approaches to Artistic Creation and Reflection) in Strasbourg where he has been developing his artistic practice since 2016.

His paintings have been exhibited in galleries and ... Read more »

Raku Animal

Emmanuelle Schultz - Raku Animal

Calendar from 05/06/2023 to 30/06/2023

J'aime la terre, la nature et les animaux. Quoi de plus naturel, de plus évident d'en venir à les rassembler dans une expression créative, de modeler des animaux en argile, et les voir "naitre au raku"... Ce Raku qui est pour moi davantage qu'une technique céramique. C'est presque une école de vie, de pensée, une voie différente dans un monde qui exige de tout contrôler, axé sur les performances, la vitesse et la technologie. A l'opposé, mes amis-animaux d'argile sont nés de patience ... Read more »

Beauté d'espace vide

Keishu Kawai - Beauté d'espace vide

Calendar from 06/03/2023 to 31/03/2023

Keishu Kawai est née dans la préfecture japonaise d’Ibaraki, au nord de Tokyo. Formée à l’art de la calligraphie dans la prestigieuse université de Tsukuba, puis durant dix années par le grand maître Sôin Furutani à Kyoto, elle devient Maître de calligraphie à son tour et expose ses œuvres dans le monde entier. Parallèlement, elle enseigne son art de la calligraphie dans plusieurs universités prestigieuses. Aujourd’hui, alsacienne d’adoption, sur cette terre particulièrement ... Read more »

Ilia Yonchev - Interesting times

Ilia Yonchev - Ilia Yonchev - Interesting times

Calendar from 06/02/2023 to 03/03/2023

Born in Plovdiv in 1970 to one of the most famous creative families of Bulgaria, Ilia Yonchev is fifth generation artist and the fourteenth artist of the Yonchev family. In addition to oil on canvas, Ilia Yonchev paints icons and his sacred works can be found many churches in the city of Plovdiv and the region around it. He is the author of 14 solo exhibitions and in 2015 he was nominated for the Plovdiv Prize in the Fine Arts section.

Textile art

Sally Ruddock Rivière - Textile art

Calendar from 09/01/2023 to 03/03/2023

Sally Ruddock Rivière - soulful expressions

Touched by the textile fragments of another time, the hand-made magic that produced them and the emotional nuance of their details, Sally’s work is unique. She repairs materials that are damaged, abandoned and neglected; revives the treasures she exhumes from the limbo of lost memories and breathes new life into them. Slow, delicate movements, where she who patiently embroiders allows her whole soul to pass through her hands; where she who embroiders ... Read more »

Travels, pictures

Stojan Milanov - Travels, pictures

Calendar from 30/10/2023 to 24/11/2023

The further we go, the better we see ourselves, is a thought that occurred to me after a trip to another continent.

New landscapes, smells, people, colours, cities are a challenge for our curiosity, an opportunity to expand our horizons and a good way to enrich our personality.

The direct contact with nature, the respect and admiration I feel for it, led me to make pictures from my sketches, my photos and from my mental notes, and thus once again, through the painting canvas, renew the experience ... Read more »

Portraits of Papus at the Goroka Festival

Martine SCHEERER - Portraits of Papus at the Goroka Festival

Calendar from 03/04/2023 to 28/04/2023

Martine Scheerer was born in Strasbourg in February 1968.

Passionate about travel and photography since my adolescence, it is through the Indian continent that my desire to discover other cultures and other emotions was revealed.

After having travelled through several dozen countries; from Asia, to North Africa, to sub-Saharan Africa, via South America, it is during an exhibition at the Musée du quai Branly in Paris, which brought together objects and a glimpse of the culture of the peoples ... Read more »

Elapsed Landscapes

Duga Bobanovic-Sikirica - Elapsed Landscapes

Calendar from 02/05/2023 to 02/06/2023

When I travel on the trains of the Croatian railway from Zagreb to Leipzig, I always observe the transitions in the cultural landscapes. The scenery outside the window passes me by: on the outskirts of Zagreb, well-tended gardens line up; then misty forests of Slovenia with occasional picturesque villages; followed by Austrian backyards with restrained vegetation; which finally merge into rows of Saxon monoculture forests, that at certain angles reveal the horizon under the mild and clear sun.

... Read more »



Calendar from 20/01/2023 to 03/03/2023

The artist will be PRESENT every FRIDAY from 12.30 to 15.30

ENTRE PARENTHÈSES (Between Brackets) tells the not-so-distant story of when time and events slowly withered and unraveled.

In 2020, several exhibitions were planned. But in March, time suddenly froze, with strict movement restrictions. More accustomed to landscape photography than to taking shots of the limited horizons of my garden, I however began a new series. Confined wanderings | 55 days in 2020 was, despite a still fragile ... Read more »

Exposition 365 Emotions par Ewa Rossano

Ewa Rossano - Exposition 365 Emotions par Ewa Rossano

Calendar from 04/05/2023 to 02/06/2023

Exhibition consists of 15 sculptures (12 measuring between 20-40cm, 2 measuring 1m80 and 1 measuring 1m) and 3 painitings (1,20x1,10m). 

Je parle avec mes mains. Mes doigts sont plus rapides et agiles que mes paroles et davantage capables d’exprimer ce que je n’arrive pas à formuler avec des mots.

Quand je commence à créer, ils anticipent mes pensées.

Il s’écoulera cependant beaucoup de temps avant que ceux qui regardent mes œuvres puissent percevoir et entendre ces pensées ... Read more »


Mélody SEIWERT - Mues

Calendar from 03/04/2023 to 28/04/2023

Melody Seiwert photographie les différentes étapes de l’évolution aléatoire des matières végétales, surtout des fleurs, en décomposition. Elle explore leurs potentialités plastiques à travers l’expérimentation de l’empreinte du temps et la dynamique souterraine soutenant toute pulsion de vie. Dans un processus de perpétuelle mutation, ils décomposent les formes et suggèrent des couleurs qui se mêlent au secret d’une danse. Elle crée des « négatifs végétaux » à partir ... Read more »

Une girafe dans tous ses états / Les girafes en folie

Ana-Bella Mendes - Une girafe dans tous ses états / Les girafes en folie

Calendar from 06/03/2023 to 31/03/2023

Ana-Bella, née le 24 décembre 1978, se distingue par sa palette de couleur méditerranéenne chaude et contrastées, inspirée de son pays d’origine, le Portugal. Sa peinture trouve sa simplicité dans la figure allongée de portraits de girafes, dans lesquels elle se projette, et nous fait découvrir son talent. Elle parle avec les couleurs, les formes , les matériaux, et leur fait raconter son intérieur. La démarche spontanée d’Ana-Bella et sa personnalité illustrent très bien son ... Read more »

Gaia and Cronus

Jurgita RANCEVIENE - Gaia and Cronus

Calendar from 30/10/2023 to 24/11/2023

At first it was just chaos. And from him came all life. The first boundless being was Gaia − Mother Earth.‟ (From the Greek myth „Gaia and Cronus‟).

In Greek mythology, Gaia is the primordial Mother Goddess from whom the world originated. The entire living planet is also called by her name, as it is indivisible, because Gaia is creative energy transformed into matter.

In Greek mythology, Gaia is the primordial Mother Goddess from whom the world originated. The entire living planet ... Read more »

Landscapes and colours

- Landscapes and colours

Calendar from 05/06/2023 to 30/06/2023

Ni Nyoman Rosita UJIANTI-YORDEY was born in Banyuwangi, Indonesia, in the far east of Java, on December 6, 1974, from a Balinese father and Javanese mother.
She graduated from Widya Gama University in Malang and worked for a long time in the tourism industry. First in grand hotels from Nusa Dua, Jimbaran and Ubud in Bali, such as the Ritz Carlton and the Four Season, then in the Maldives.
When she arrived in France, in Strasbourg, she got married and created in 2013 the massage salon AYU bien-être.
Artistic ... Read more »

All our tears

Atdhe Mulla, Borislav Pešić, Arbnora Memeti, Nake Batev Atdhe Mulla, Borislav Pešić, Arbnora Memeti, Nake Batev - All our tears

Calendar from 05/06/2023 to 30/06/2023

This unique exhibition is dedicated to the stories of victims of wars in the Balkans region. The goal of the installation is to acquaint the general public with the stories and make a plea for support for the victims and other affected groups in the region in their pursuit of truth and justice. The exhibition consists of 34 original photographs, taken by four photographers in various places in Serbia, Kosovo and North Macedonia. The photographers did not know each other yet managed to create a universal ... Read more »


Marco VALLARIO - Topospoloso

Calendar from 05/02/2024 to 01/03/2024

A thought or an idea is not understood as real until we bring it into real life. Starting from the fake/authentic binomial, "Topospoloso" focuses on the extraction of a single frame from a memory, a dream, a precise point where the naked eye becomes aware of the time that has been and will never be again. The emotional, sentimental, social context that surrounds us.


Marco Vallario is an architect graduated from the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture. He exhibited some of his works at the ... Read more »

Land and sea. Abstract.

Yolande HEINTZ - Land and sea. Abstract.

Calendar from 29/04/2024 to 31/05/2024

The artist will be present at the gallery every Wendesday and Friday from 11:00 to 13:30

"Depuis toujours, le dessin et la peinture font partie de la vie de Yolande.
En 2019, elle saute le pas et crée son Atelier chez elle, en Alsace. Endroit où elle expose ses toiles et peint. Elle se libère du temps pour pouvoir enfin extérioriser sa passion. Plus qu’une envie, la peinture est un réel besoin chez cette artiste autodidacte qui communique à travers ses toiles, tantôt figuratives, tantôt
... Read more »

Dérive et continents

Katarina TERMACIC - Dérive et continents

Calendar from 05/02/2024 to 01/03/2024

Katarina Termačić is a painter and engraver, graduated from the Paris Beaux-Arts in 1996, winner of the Verdaguer prize awarded by the Institut de France on the proposal of the Académie des Beaux-Arts. She was born in Paris in 1969 and has been living in Picardy for nearly 16 years. Her artistic career, which began with studies in applied arts at the Duperré school in Paris, led her to discover the various techniques of engraving and drawing, which remains her main means of expression to this ... Read more »


Marigona ADEMI - Symbiose

Calendar from 29/04/2024 to 31/05/2024

Marigona Ademi, born in 1989 in Prishtina, is a visual artist and archaeologist currently living and working in Paris. She is working on her doctoral thesis on Roman mosaics in the territory of Upper Moesia. She likes to perceive history through art, which is why she started to share her personal history through her paintings. Her paintings represent different landscapes that convey a collection of intertwined experiences and feelings, brought by the colors, energies and naive and sincere movements. ... Read more »

Here & Now

Rachel Van der Beek et Hakob Khodedanian Rachel Van der Beek et Hakob Khodedanian - Here & Now

Calendar from 02/05/2023 to 02/06/2023

RH39 Photography is the result of two creative minds, Hakob Khodedanian and Rachel Van der Beek. Each of them was inspired by photography on their own and their encounter in 2021 gave birth to a common project and an approach where each complements the other. Each photograph is the result of a common work, whether it is the idea, the shooting, or the post-production. 

Hakob is Armenian, born in Russia in 1995, and has lived in France since the age of thirteen. He studied international trade ... Read more »

Arrêt sur image: dans l'élégance du clair-obscur

Christiane ROQUES-SIMON - Arrêt sur image: dans l'élégance du clair-obscur

Calendar from 04/09/2023 to 29/09/2023

Christiane Simon-Roques is a French painter. Her works immerse us into the years 20th to 60th, to the ambiguous intimacy of bars and assemblies. Light and contrasts are able to create an outdated and a crime fiction look. Each work seems to be a captured moment of a story, all one needs to do is use our imagination and become one with the painting. Self-taught and free from any academic constraint, she has acquired over the years a real freedom of creation. Christiane SIMON-ROQUES exhibits her paintings ... Read more »



Calendar from 27/11/2023 to 21/12/2023

EVERYTHING FLOWS – a symbol of movement. Heidrun Pfeiffer deals with comings and goings. Painterly and sculpturally she works with the motifs of water and fern. In the work, the symbolism of the motifs merges with the deeply personal feelings of the artist. To bring the observations of flickering, flowing and streaming water to a standstill, to conserve a certain moment in painting, to freeze the water, the light and the reflections on the canvas, but to continue to let them appear moving and ... Read more »

Femmes - Vie - Liberté

Melyca CHABAN - Femmes - Vie - Liberté

Calendar from 05/02/2024 to 04/03/2024

Depuis que je me connais, j'adore dessiner. Cet amour était si fort que ni les produits cosmétiques de ma mère ni les portes, les fenêtres et les murs de la maison n'étaient à l'abri de moi ! Le jour où j'ai peint sur le plafond de la cuisine, mon père s’est vu finalement obligé à m'envoyer chez son ami peintre pour mieux apprendre.

Les années ont passé et j'ai étudié le graphisme, la peinture, l'architecture d'intérieur et l'illustration. J'ai eu l’occasion de coopérer avec ... Read more »


Duncan BUTT JUVONEN - Interruptions

Calendar from 08/01/2024 to 02/02/2024

Duncan is a British–Finnish artist who has been working mainly in Finland, but also in the UK, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and France). Duncan graduated with a distinction from the master’s programme of the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2009, having studied his bachelor’s degree in the UK. He has exhibited in various galleries and national museums internationally (in 11 countries), has been awarded numerous awards and grants, and his works are in various collections, such as the Saastamoinen Foundation ... Read more »


Catherine de SOLERE - Eole

Calendar from 02/10/2023 to 27/10/2023

Sensible à la fois au tragique de la destinée humaine et aux beautés du quotidien, Catherine de Solere cherche à en rendre compte au travers de ses toiles.

Elle puise son inspiration dans quelques thèmes récurrents.

Le chant qu’elle pratique au sein de deux grands choeurs l’amène souvent à une réflexion sur le sens de la souffrance humaine à travers des oratorios tels que les Passions de JS Bach. Elle en relie l’expression avec le thème du dénuement et de l’héroïsme des ... Read more »

La magie du macramé

Elizabeth ALEXIEVA - La magie du macramé

Calendar from 02/05/2023 to 02/06/2023

Une exposition de bijoux qui combine avec succès les techniques du macramé avec des pierres semi-précieuses et de la pâte polymère et du macramé. L'envie de créer de ses mains fait partie intégrante de la vie de la créatrice. Après des panneaux muraux et des décorations de Noël en patchwork, des panneaux muraux en macramé, l'artiste se tourne vers la technique du micromacramé et les bijoux. 


Svetlana NINKOVIC - Part

Calendar from 02/10/2023 to 27/10/2023

Part is a series of acryl on canvas painting with interventions on the canvas. The essence is in giving and love. When you give a part of yourself to someone, we become a whole together. It is love that unravels the tangle of (in)visible threads that connect us all. To see the bigger picture, we need to look inside ourselves and give love, and then calmly wait for it to be returned. Because love always returns to the thin threads that bind us all together. The more you love, the more you are. We ... Read more »

Inner heart flames

Katja BEDNARIK SUDEC - Inner heart flames

Calendar from 08/01/2024 to 02/02/2024

Katja Bednařik Sudec works always depict simple yet non-definite motifs, she is inspired by nature, relationships, particularly in close and extended family, by respectful attitude to other humans and to nature. She is particularly focused on examining the role of contemporary women, her own and general femininity, entity and identity, old traditional patterns and values with regard to the role of women in society. There is also an intention to return to the essence of her own identity, to re-experience ... Read more »

Les barrières

Jan JIRKOVSKY - Les barrières

Calendar from 04/09/2023 to 29/09/2023

Photographe indépendant de Prague (République tchèque). “Les Barrières” est un projet documentaire de long terme sur la vie quotidienne des personnes incarcérées.


Tatjana BALAC - Displaced

Calendar from 10/10/2023 to 27/10/2023

The latest exhibition entitled Displaced represents some sort of replenishment to the previous cycle, subtly reflecting itself in the new works. The authoress once again deals with the motifs of the refugee and migrant crisis, referring to the xenophobic rhetoric present in many mainstream media. In the effort to create a comprehensive picture of this global problem, she opens many questions alongside calling the public to commonly pursue for a possible solution. The exhibition contains works created ... Read more »

Par monts et par vaux

Léontine SOULIER - Par monts et par vaux

Calendar from 03/04/2023 to 28/04/2023

I am an illustrator, from Strasbourg. I use pencils, watercolor, pastel. In my work we can see bodies and nature, together. I talk about me, subjects that make me mad, with colors and poetry. My work are small : 21 x 29,7cm to 40 x 50 cm


Juliane WENDE - Hotel

Calendar from 27/11/2023 to 21/12/2023


Lives and works in Achern / Baden.

Stage visual artist training at the Badische Karlsruhe State Theatre.

Studies in painting, illustration and free graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Fribourg. Since the early 1990s, she has been working in Free-lance with the art workshop "Artisan. ” Photography training: Annual classes of artistic photography in Düsseldorf with Katharina Mayer and Birgitta Thysen. Seminars and workshops with Thekla Ehling, Markus Schaden, Wolfgang ... Read more »


Manuella MARTINS - L’enfance

Calendar from 02/10/2023 to 27/10/2023

L'artiste sera présente pour discuter avec vous de ses oeuvres à l'espace d'exposition Vitrines:

- vendredi 13 octobre de 13h à 14h
- vendredi 20 octobre de 13h à 14h
- mercredi 25 octobre de 13h à 14h
- vendredi 27 octobre (dernier jour d'exposition) de 16h à 17h avant la désinstallation de l'exposition

Après avoir exploré différents supports, Manuella Martins (née en 1970 près de Mulhouse) trouve dans le modelage une source infinie de possibilités créatives. Travaillant ... Read more »

Emotive journey (Its all in our hearts)

Alisa TELETOVIC - Emotive journey (Its all in our hearts)

Calendar from 10/01/2024 to 02/02/2024

Alisa Teletović is an expressive, figurative and abstract painter whose art revolves around states of mind, longings, and memories through emotions. She was born in 1974 in Bosnia and Hercegovina. At the age of 18, in 1993 she fled the war and settled as a refugee first in Austria and then in Australia. After completing her studies in Fine Arts at the RMIT University in Melbourne in 2000, she dedicated herself to making art and has, since then, attracted the attention of national and international ... Read more »

Europe Is Always A Good Idea

Caro KREBIETKE - Europe Is Always A Good Idea

Calendar from 05/06/2023 to 30/06/2023

Photo installation
25 framed Polaroids, each 15 x 20 cm
As a participant of the exchange programme „Résidences Croisées“ in 2021 I spent three months
as artist-in-residence in Strasbourg. Being impressed by the architecture and the importance of the
European facilities I decided to create the photo installation
„Europe Is Always A Good Idea“.
The location of the Council Of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights are the
background for the majority of the images.
They are ... Read more »

Emulsion Lift

Thomas DUSCH - Emulsion Lift

Calendar from 05/02/2024 to 28/03/2024

Emulsion Lift (emulsion transfer) is a photographic process that aims to make each work / image unique.

Like Japanese etchings, this procedure seeks to highlight the specific character of each tree, such an indispensable subject of nature.

The techniques used are emulsion transfer onto Fine Art paper from a Polaroid 600 or SX-70 film (30x40 format).


Thomas Dusch, born in 1975 in Strasbourg :

As a self-taught artist, I practice photography in different forms.  Polaroid, ... Read more »


Dragan KARADZIC - Mediterranean

Calendar from 02/11/2023 to 24/11/2023

Entire oeuvre of the painter Dragan Karadžić is essentially devoted to the deep and delicate sense of nature and its universal categories. Despite a distant associativeness in some of his landscapes, a careful and attentive viewer will notice that the artist’s attitude to nature is not a mere transference of the experience and impressions of a particular natural setting but a transposition into the visual feld of timeless rhythms of soil, air and water, according to the principles consistent ... Read more »


Anne-Lise MARY - Daydreams

Calendar from 08/01/2024 to 02/02/2024

Anne-Lise will be present in the Showcases gallery for presenting her artwork to the audience on Wendesday 24th January 2024, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM

Anne-Lise Mary is an embroiderer who graduated in the Art of Embroidery in 2019.

Concerned about current ecological concerns, her approach focuses on upcycling. She hunts, recycles and recovers all kinds of raw materials (plastic bottles, various packaging, fabric scraps, etc.) that her imagination associates with pearls, sequins, buttons, etc.

Her ... Read more »

Garden of the Canvases

Anna DANILO - Garden of the Canvases

Calendar from 27/11/2023 to 20/12/2023

Brief description of the planned exhibition:

Throughout this exhibition I wish to give the impression of a walk in a garden, where foliage and flowers vibrate in the light of the sun or the moon. There are paintings of different sizes. I hope to attract the walker with the liveliness of the colors and give the atmosphere of a joyful and lively nature.


Short biography:

Graduated from the Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Clermont-Ferrand in 2012, Master 2 Plastic Arts specialty, I specialized ... Read more »



Calendar from 04/09/2023 to 29/09/2023

The exhibition expresses the path born from the collaboration between the historic Murano glass company "NasonMoretti" and the designer Matteo Zorzenoni. Through a selection of some of the most representative pieces, the research process and vision on the new horizons of blown glass will be exhibited, going through classical techniques and processes revisited in a modern key. The public will thus be able to learn how the link between creativity and high quality craftsmanship can give rise to unexpected ... Read more »

 Bring Nature into your home

Mathilde de SEROUX - Bring Nature into your home

Calendar from 04/09/2023 to 29/09/2023

Exhibition: If today we are convinced of the importance of protecting nature, it is essential for Mathilde de Seroux, as an artist, to highlight the Beauty that emerges from the simplest and most natural scene to encourage, each on their own scale, to become aware of the richness of our environment. It therefore seems obvious to her to paint animal interactions in order to raise awareness of the beauty of the nature that surrounds us in the poetry and humor of the small daily scenes that animals ... Read more »