Despite all the idyll, there is always an element of distance, physical and otherwise. Nature is only nature when everything is connected and in balance.
Christian Kreher was born in Hamburg in April. 29, 1937
1954 - 1957 training to become a cliché maker.
1957 - 1963 worked as a lithographer, lecturer for drawing and painting courses at the Hamburg Art Academy
1963 - 1964 California, USA, in various jobs: assistant, printer in a bank
1965 - 1967 Cape Town, South Africa: Process manager and department manager in a reproduction company
1968 Biel, Switzerland: Founding of an offset printing department
Sept. 1968 Vienna, Austria, technical management of a reproduction company
1970 head of a reproduction company in Hamburg
1971 Master's examination in book and offset printing in Hamburg
1974 Founding of the reproduction company CK Repro Studio
1985 sale of his company CK Repro Studio
Since 1985 artistic development in painting and printmaking: various exhibitions in Deutsche Texaco AG, as well as public buildings and galleries
1988 Founding of a graphic design company, awards from the Book Art Foundation for lithographic implementation in collaboration with important publishers. Activities in the graphics workshop were edited by Ms. Susanne Kreher until 2002
In 2002 the family moved to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and founded the Waldreiter studio in Neu Drefahl with art lessons in graphic techniques and printing lessons for school children
From 2005, holiday painting courses for adults and children interested in art
Since 2012 a resident of Bauerkuhl, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Now a full-time artist and grandfather.
Technique: Oil/acrylic on canvas, dimensions approx. 110 x 80 cm