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Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurcan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Culture Arts Club


Calendar Exhibition from 20/01/2023 to 03/03/2023, at the gallery in the Agora, Agora's building

Private view the 09/02/2023 17h30 - 19h00, at the gallery in the Agora, Agora's building

Link to the artist's website : Website

The artist will be PRESENT every FRIDAY from 12.30 to 15.30

ENTRE PARENTHÈSES (Between Brackets) tells the not-so-distant story of when time and events slowly withered and unraveled.

In 2020, several exhibitions were planned. But in March, time suddenly froze, with strict movement restrictions. More accustomed to landscape photography than to taking shots of the limited horizons of my garden, I however began a new series. Confined wanderings | 55 days in 2020 was, despite a still fragile health situation, subsequently exhibited in December at ON-OFF STUDIO in Paris. Maria Cosatto, the Exhibition Curator, summed it up as follows: “Deprived of movement, how to substitute natural landscapes ?  In the Lab-House, no more than five minutes was allowed to take a photo, (…) the tools and the experimentation were part of an unprecedented “room approach” in order to recreate mental landscapes. The photographer could play with the lines of energy, light and the black and white that evokes engraving. A gigantic combination of tradition and modernity, of timelessness.”

In 2021, a new adventure began, dedicated to writing an initial text, an idea that had been intriguing me for some time. And following a gestation period of nine months “In the Silence of Uncertain Territories” was published in November 2021 by the editors “Le Noyer”. Prefaced by William Irigoyen, he indicated that the book : “leads us through territories that share the certainty of their banality, along the paths of self-surrender towards a disconcerting face-to-face with ourselves”.

In 2022, I had the opportunity to exhibit a large selection of works as part of the Strasbourg European Contemporary Art Fair ST-ART#26 …. and in 2023, I invite you to embark on this photographic journey, with its multiple facets which retrace three years of investigation and research.

In addition to the “Confined Wanderings” and “In the Silence of Uncertain Territories” series, photos are also presented from my collections : “Perpetuum mobile” and “Camera di meraviglie”.

Michel Handschumacher was born in 1965 in Strasbourg. He studied architecture and has since worked in various agencies within the region. However, also passionate about photography, he has been developing for several years an unusual and personal visual work that he exhibits regularly in France and abroad. His black and white pictures invite us to follow the paths of an imaginary world with poetry that is sometimes dark but never devoid of hope. In 2016 he joined the renowned authors’ collectives : “Le Tempestaire” and “Art Propulsion”.

In 2014, he began a collaboration with musician Bruno Fleutelot. Their duo put forward slow superimpositions of images, highlighting the existing relationships between space, sound and the fixed image. Together, they made four photographic films. In 2016, “The Black Ribbon” received great acclaim and was one of the top choices of the ‘International Prize for New Writings’. It was screened at various festivals in France, Italy, Canada and Iceland.

In 2021, Michel Handschumacher published his first book with “Le Noyer” editions. Prefaced by William Irigoyen, “In the Silence of Uncertain Territories” takes us on a slow stroll through the woods to the banks of a big river, resulting in “a disconcerting face-to-face with ourselves”.

2022 ST'ART #26 | Panorama de la photographie contemporaine | Strasbourg
2021 Contemplations silencieuses | Chemin d'art sacré en Alsace, Chartreuse de Molsheim
Déambulations créatrices | On-Off Studio, Paris
Narrations éphémères | Galerie Murmure, Colmar
Ex Natura | Strasbourg Art Photography
Ice Land | Strasbourg Art Photography
Le ruban noir & Le temps n’efface pas les erreurs | Centre culturel ARTM, Montmagny
Hors-champ & Autres voyages immobiles | Strasbourg Art Photography
Le ruban noir | The Factory Art Exhibition, Djupavik-Islande
(1.)Visible paysage, L’entre-deux & Le ruban noir | Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg
Le ruban noir | Transizioni due, Bologne, Milan et Bergame-Italie
Regards croisés sur l’Islande | Hôtel les Haras, Strasbourg
Le ruban noir | Zoom Photo Festival, Saguenay-Canada
Le temps n’efface pas les erreurs |Conseil de l’Europe & Rendez-Vous Image, Strasbourg
Visa Off pour l’image, Perpignan

EA Epreuve d’artiste | Galerie Cyril Kobler, Genève-Suisse
Co-incidences photographiques | Galerie Les bains révélateurs, Roubaix
Le temps n’efface pas les erreurs | Barrobjectif, Barro  & Rendez Vous Image, Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg  & Galerie Wilhelm, Ludwigshafen-Allemagne
Expositions collectives | Ateliers ouverts 2014, Strasbourg
2013 Expositions collectives | Ateliers ouverts 2013, Strasbourg