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Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurcan DEJEAN-DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Cipriana MORARU, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST,  Szilvia SIMOND.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

Strasbourg & Co Guide EUROPA

The Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle

Amicale du conseil de l'europe

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle is one of the most popular monuments in France with 600,000 visitors per year. Built in the 12th century, the Castle occupied a strategic position. Its purpose was to watch over the wine and wheat routes to the North and the silver and salt routes from West to East.

It was reduced to ruins by the Swedes during the Thirty Years' War and then abandoned. In 1899, Kaiser Wilhelm II decided to rebuild the castle entirely with the aim of turning it into a museum and at the same time a symbol of Alsace's return to Germany.

Although the Castle has been rebuilt recently, it faithfully respects the architecture of the Middle Ages. Inside, the beautifully refined rooms are decorated with mural paintings, Renaissance furniture and enormous cast-iron stoves. There is an impressive collection of weaponry from the Middle Ages in the basement with crossbows, all types of swords and armors.


Strasbourg - Haut-Koenigsbourg : 64Km