From November 2016 to May 2017, Cyprus chairs the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
We will focus in particular on the following areas rights and freedoms for all people without any discrimination; democratic citizenship; prevalence of the rule of law and developing a culture of co-operation through teaching and learning history.
In addition to these priorities, the Cyprus Chairmanship will work to advance other areas of important Council of Europe business.
The main events of the Cyprus Chairmanship are presented herein below (complete list in Attachment):
In 2017 the European Union and the Council of Europe will celebrate ten years of cooperation on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the EU and the Council of Europe, signed in 2007. Cyprus will take the opportunity to mark the anniversary through various events. This includes a two-day conference on “The Inter-relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and European Union Law” to be held on 17-18 March, 2017, under the auspices of the Cypriot Chairmanship. The conference will examine the various aspects of the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and European Union Law.
Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities 2017
Venue: Limassol, 27-28 April 2017
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection
Then Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities 2017 is expected to take place in Limassol, on 27-28 April 2017. The Conference is organised once a year and brings together European Data Protection Authorities. It is aimed at addressing subjects of common interest and helping advance the fundamental right to data protection. Participants to this event are data protection authorities from EU countries, other European countries and accredited observers, including the Council of Europe. The conference further enables its members to better fulfil their mandates, to enhance their international cooperation and to coordinate their actions.
International Conference “The freedom of expression and the judgments of the ECHR, in particular taking into account new trends like internet”
Venue: Nicosia, Filoxenia Conference Centre, 28 April 2017
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Supreme Court
Youth Peace Camp “The role of young people and youth policy in peace-building and intercultural dialogue”
Venue: Strasbourg, 28 April-6 May 2017
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Ministry of Education and Culture
Meeting of the EPAS Governing Board
Venue: Limassol, 9-10 May 2017
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Ministry of Education and Culture
Anniversary Conference on the achievements of EPAS in promoting democracy, tolerance and inclusion through sport – reflection on 10 years of activities
Venue: Limassol, 11 May 2017
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Ministry of Education and Culture
High Level Conference (launching event) for the promotion of the “European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st century”
Venue: Nicosia, Filoxenia Conference Centre
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Ministry of Interior
Seminar organised by the Cyprus Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers and UNIDROIT on “Promoting and strengthening the international legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage”
Venue: New York, 2017
127thSession of the Committee of Ministers: handover of the chairmanship
Venue: Nicosia, FiloxeniaConference Centre, 19 May 2017
Responsible Cypriot Authority: Secretariat of the Cyprus Chairmanship of the CM