
The Association Entraide-Solidarity, under the patronage of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, is ruled by articles 21 to 79 of the local Civil Code (Alsace-Moselle) and since 23 may 1985 is inscribed in the Registre des Associations (volume 49 folio n° 21) at the Strasbourg Tribunal d'instance.


The Association is made up of actual or retired members of staff of the Council of Europe. Its funds are made up of their subscriptions and gifts, often monthly or periodic and of specific collections made at the time of often dramatic events, such as earthquakes or other catastrophes.

The work of the Association is run by a Committee made up of actual and retired staff members.


>> See our activities in 2014



Anita van de Kar, Presidente of the association

Denis Oehler, Treasurer of the association



How to contribute

>> Make a donation